In this post I’m looking at the sanguinary guard and I’m going to show you three different ways in which you can improve them. You Might argue whether or not these look better or not but I do think the proportions are just a little bit weird with the current ones, at the waist they just look so chunky and I know they have pouches and stuff but I I don’t really like them that much.
The weapon options are more limited now they used to have axes which are really cool but now you only get swords and spears which I must admit are pretty nice.
The big thing is the loss of the wings on the jump packs and that’s one thing which make me like the current miniatures better.
The first kitbash will use the amazing Crimson Lord bits by Grey Tide Studios. If you want to buy these bits for yourself then they can be found over on our web store.
I absolutely love the winged jump packs GTS make and for this kitbash I thought I would use one of their axes too as the new set doesn’t have axes anymore. I also used one of the heads from the Crimson Lord range as well as a couple of shoulder pads.

For the second Sanguinary Guard miniature I decided to mix some parts from the older kit with it. The head, shoulder pads and angelic boltgun are all taken from the older miniatures. The wings are 3d printed resin wings that are available from our web store. These are the medium size wings. I kept the spear from the current kit as I do really like them.

For the banner bearer I wanted something more dynamic. I used some legs from the old Stormcast Eternals Prosecutors and carefully cut away a torso from the Sanguinary Guard kit to fit. I find the older miniatures fit better with the size of these as the current prosecutor miniatures are just a bit too small. I did however use the wings from the newer kit as I think they look much better than the older ones.

Below you can watch a video detailing the entire process for all 3 of these miniatures.
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